There’s a lot of helpful info in here! Please read this page in full to find out more about the editing process. (Still have questions? Contact me!)
Order of Editing
Each of my editing services are very different from one another, and therefore require separate edits. It’s impossible to look at so many areas at once: when trying to determine if a sentence is set up as best as it possibly could be (line editing), it’s easy to skip over a missed comma or bit of punctuation (copyediting).
No matter what editing services you choose, do not skip the final copyedit—otherwise, while your manuscript may be beautifully edited for style, consistency, or content, you may have petty grammatical or punctuation errors left over…which readers may pick up on, and which may bring your book negative reviews.
A manuscript is best edited in a specific order. If you’re concerned about the overall flow of the book and want a manuscript critique, it’s best to start there. Then, I usually move on to developmental editing, line editing, and then the final copyedit—in that order. Doing these out of order could leave errors in the manuscript.
Editor’s Report
Every editing service (developmental editing, line editing, or copyediting) comes with a free Editor’s Report, a 1-page letter highlighting the most common issues I found during editing, geared toward showing you how to avoid your most common writing mistakes to become a better writer.
Sample Edit
I am happy to provide you with a sample edit of 500 words so you can see the types of things I focus on in my manuscript critique or editing services. Send me an excerpt from the middle of your book that is representative of the whole manuscript—not the beginning or end, which tend to get especially reworked and self-edited. Please contact me, then you can send a small sample of your manuscript to me as an e-mail attachment.
Editing Packages
Save money with bundling! Check out the available editing packages here.
Add-On Services
For self-publishing authors, I also offer ebook formatting and blurb writing services for the back cover description of your book (both included for free when purchasing any of my book editing packages). For traditionally publishing authors, I can write the book’s synopsis and query letter for sending the manuscript to an agent/publisher.
Contract and Payments
With all projects, I have both parties sign a contract as well as require a down payment prior to placing you on my schedule. The standard contract is 50% upfront (to hold your spot on my schedule), and 50% before delivery of the edited manuscript. When I finish editing, I’ll send you an email letting you know it’s done, and once the final invoice is paid I will send you the edited manuscript.
If the standard contract doesn’t work, we can also do 3 payments of 33% each (one due upfront, one due during the editing, and the final due before delivery), or 4 payments.
I usually get booked up quickly, so as soon as I send you the contract and “tentatively” schedule you in my calendar, I ask that you return the signed contract and make the first deposit within 48 hours—otherwise I may have to offer your tentative spot to a different client.
I only work on two manuscripts at a time—this gives me variety in my work, but doesn’t overwhelm me and lessen my editing efficacy. I usually complete manuscripts within 3 to 4 weeks.
The time it takes me to edit your manuscript greatly depends on what editing services you need and how long your book is. I also tend to be booked up 3-6 months in advance, so be sure to contact me early.
If you’re booked on the schedule but our project start date isn’t for another couple of weeks, feel free to continue self-editing and working on your manuscript (if you prefer) until I’m set to begin editing.
Rush Projects
If you need your manuscript edited faster than my regular turnaround, I can work extra in the evenings to accommodate you. For cases like these, I’m usually able to start on your project within a couple weeks, depending on my current schedule/availability, for a
20% rush fee. Please contact me to ask about my next rush project availability.
Track Changes
I work in 2019 Microsoft Word using Track Changes, giving you the power to individually accept or delete any of my edits.
My Approach
I am the sole owner/employee of Kristen Corrects, Inc., so the only person you’ll be working with during this entire process is me (e-mails, phone calls, all editing—everything). I get entirely involved and dedicated to an author’s manuscript, and love offering that level of personalized service.
My rates are always based on word count rather than time. This gives you, the author, a total price before I begin work. If the project takes me longer than expected, you will not be charged extra.
Let’s get started! You can see a list of my testimonials and portfolio here, as well as a blog on what makes me different from all the other book editors out there. I’m also happy, upon request, to provide you with a full list of all my projects to date (all 400+!). Ready to book, or just have a question? Contact me—I look forward to reading your manuscript!

Book editor Kristen Hamilton is the owner and sole employee of Kristen Corrects, Inc., where she provides manuscript editing services for traditionally and self-publishing authors. Several authors whose books she has edited have won awards and have topped Amazon’s best sellers lists.
Reading is Kristen’s passion, so when the workday is over, she can usually be found curled up with a good book alongside her four cats. She loves watching cat videos and scary movies, eating pizza, teaching herself French, and traveling, and she is likely planning her next vacation. She lives outside of Boise, ID.